STEM education as an innovative paradigm of education is
being rapidly introduced into the curricula of higher educational institutions.
The research is devoted to the study of the capabilities of online communication
services for managing teamwork aimed at the development and implementation
of innovative investment projects in the STEM education environment. An
innovative concept of a distance learning course – Designing investment
projects in the field of health care and recreation – is suggested based on
organizational principles. The online communication services such as Mirapolis
Virtual Room, Moodle and Microsoft Teams implemented into the educational
interaction program made it possible to create a high-quality real-time elearning environment. The online course was tested by 200 students. The results
of the experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the use of online
communication services and platforms in the development of professional
practical experience within the educational concept of STEM. Students
appreciated the high level of the innovative component in team interaction
programs (98%), as well as, in the approaches to cooperation with business
entities (95%); 91% of students noted the high level of quality of the
educational content, pedagogical (84%), technological (92%) and conceptual
(78%) innovative value of the educational product. Taking a course that is
based on the STEM model had a dramatic impact on the development of the
key competencies of the 21st century. The study can be of interest to teachers
who are looking for effective pedagogical models that can be easily adapted to
the needs of the business environment and the generation of students of the new
digital era.