This work is devoted to the study of the radiation damage kinetics and subsequent
embrittlement of the near-surface layer of SiC ceramics subjected to irradiation with low-energy
He2+ ions. Interest in these types of ceramics is due to their great prospects for use as structural
materials for nuclear power, as well as for use in the creation of protective structures for longterm storage of spent nuclear fuel. During the study, the dependences of changes in the structural,
mechanical, strength, and morphological characteristics of SiC ceramics depending on irradiation
fluence were obtained. It has been established that the greatest changes in the strength properties
are associated with the dominance of the crystal lattice swelling effect in the structure due to an
increase in the concentration of implanted helium, and its further agglomeration with the formation
of vacancy complexes of the He-V type. A model for changing the structural properties of ceramics
irradiated with low-energy He2+ ions based on the change in the contributions of the dislocation
density concentration, anisotropic distortion of the crystal lattice, and the effect of swelling as a result
of implantation is proposed.