The author of the article gives a comparative research of the legislations of Russia and
Kazakhstan, analyses the notion of malicious deviation from fine payment as the convict’s
action who hasn’t paid the fine in the ...
In article it is shown feature of participation of the public prosecutor in civil process in
the form of a conclusion giving. The concept, essence and process order of a giving of the
conclusion of the public prosecutor ...
Юридическая ответственность за обман потребителей предусматривается Законом
КР «О защите прав потребителей», кодексом КР об Административной ответственности,
Гражданским кодексом КР , Уголовным кодексом КР и другими ...
The problems of the coming into being and development and the peculiarities of the law
system of the nomadic empire are dealt with in the article. The author draws attention of the
researchers to the inheritance of the ...
In this article considered questions of state- legal mechanism and its element. There
is described the role of Government and law in presenting of land reforms and salvation of
problems of land legal relations.
Also ...
This article based on the analysis of labor law and the judgments of scientists dealing with
labor law determines the notion of financial responsibility applicable to labor relations, sets out
its characteristic features ...
Нормативному договору как источнику права еще сравнительно недавно, в советское
время, не придавалось особого значения, поскольку ему отводилась вспомогательная роль.