Hue, B.M.; Isataev, T.; Lukyanov, S.M.; Mendibaev, K.; Artukh, A.G.; Aznabayev, D.; Borcea, C.; Cuong, P.V.; Erdemchimeg, B.; Klygin, S.A.; Kononenko, G.A.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Maslov, V.A.; Ostashko, V.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Rotaru, F.; Sereda, Yu.; Vorontsov, A.N.; Thiep, T.D.
Neutron-removal cross-section ( σ−xn ) measurements of neutron-rich light nuclei were performed on the COMBAS fragment-separator with a multi-detector Si telescope at intermediate energies (22-34) MeV/nucleon. The removals ...