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Browsing Выпуск 2017 by Title

Browsing Выпуск 2017 by Title

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  • Hue, B.M.; Isataev, T.; Lukyanov, S.M.; Mendibaev, K.; Artukh, A.G.; Aznabayev, D.; Borcea, C.; Cuong, P.V.; Erdemchimeg, B.; Klygin, S.A.; Kononenko, G.A.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Maslov, V.A.; Ostashko, V.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Rotaru, F.; Sereda, Yu.; Vorontsov, A.N.; Thiep, T.D. (2017)
    Neutron-removal cross-section ( σ−xn ) measurements of neutron-rich light nuclei were performed on the COMBAS fragment-separator with a multi-detector Si telescope at intermediate energies (22-34) MeV/nucleon. The removals ...
  • Lukyanov, S.M.; Denikin, A.S.; Naumenko, M.A.; Burjan, V.; Trzaska, W.H.; Harakeh, M.; Etasse, D.; Kroha, V.; Mrazek, J.; Mendibayev, K.; Sivacˇek, I.; Glagolev, V.; Piskorˇ, Š.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Skobelev, N.K.; Stefan, I.; Verney, D.; Kuterbekov, K.A.; Zholdybayev, T. (2017)
  • Mantel, A.; Irgibaeva, I.; Aldongarov, A.; Barashkov, N. (2017)
    We have developed method of preparation of luminescent polymer films based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), organic dyestilben 420 (St420) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). Concentration of St420 which provides most efficient ...
  • Kuterbekov, K.A.; Bekmyrza, K.Zh.; Nikonov, A.; Paranine, S.; Lipilin, A.; Baitassov, T.; Nygymanova, A. (2017)
    One of the main conditions for the transition to hydrogen energy is development of reliable, high-performance and cost-effective fuel cells, in which chemical energy is converted directly into electrical energy. The ...
  • Zhumadilov, K.Sh.; Ivannikov, A.I.; Stepanenko, V.F.; Hoshi, M. (2017)
    The contribution of mobile phones influence on electron spin resonance (EPR) spectra formation and electromagnetic noise signal for accuracy of dose estimation on example of tooth enamel samples measurements was investigated ...
  • Mendibaev, K.; Hue, B.M.; Lukyanov, S.M.; Aznabayev, D.; Borcea, C.; Maslov, V.A.; Penionzhkevich, Yu.E.; Rotaru, F.; Sivacˇek, I.; Skobelev, N.K.; Smirnov, A.A.; Kuterbekov, K.A. (2017)
    Inclusive energy spectra have been measured for light charged particles emitted in the bombardment of Ta target by 48Ca ions at 261 MeV and 471 MeV. The reaction products were analyzed and detected by means of a ( ∆E × E ...

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