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Browsing Факультет международных отношений by Title

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  • Бyлатова, Алия Кабышевна (2015-05-27)
    Обрaтить наше внимaниe нa дaннyю тeмy, зacтaвилo вoзpocшee зa пocлeдниe гoды внимaниe oбщecтвeннocти к Aзиaтcкo-Tихooкeaнcкoмy peгиoнy и к пpoиcxoдящeй в этoй чacти миpa пpoцеccaм. Taкoй интepec, являeтcя впoлнe ecтecтвeнным: ...
  • Бyлатова, Алия Кабышевна (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    Обрaтить наше внимaниe нa дaннyю тeмy, зacтaвилo вoзpocшee зa пocлeдниe гoды внимaниe oбщecтвeннocти к Aзиaтcкo-Tихooкeaнcкoмy peгиoнy и к пpoиcxoдящeй в этoй чacти миpa пpoцеccaм. Taкoй интepec, являeтcя впoлнe ecтecтвeнным: ...
  • Novoselsky, Herman (2015-05-27)
    The existing conditions for the development of integration process in Central Asia are divided into general traits and differences. The integration process is conditioned by the presence of common traits among the countries ...
  • Novoselsky, Herman (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    The existing conditions for the development of integration process in Central Asia are divided into general traits and differences. The integration process is conditioned by the presence of common traits among the countries ...
  • Faizullina, Elvira Ermekovna (2015-05-27)
    Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs of communication and business ethics. Communicating with people is both ascience and an art. Natural ability, education, culture, language are all important ...
  • Faizullina, Elvira Ermekovna (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs of communication and business ethics. Communicating with people is both ascience and an art. Natural ability, education, culture, language are all important ...
  • Оспанова, Бакыт Аманжоловна (2015-05-27)
    The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Communities were established in 1992. In 1995 the Cooperation and Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Union ...
  • Оспанова, Бакыт Аманжоловна (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European Communities were established in 1992. In 1995 the Cooperation and Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the European ...
  • Sanatova, Madina Kaisarovna (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    There are fewer countries which have only one language spoken within its territory in the modern world than we could suppose. This is rather the result of various historic reasons than of modern globalization. Some ...
  • Baimurzina, Aliya Erbolatkizi (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2014-04-11)
    Provenance it is not known. According to Iranian mythology, this day was buried hero Sayavush killed turans Afrasiyab. This legend is mentioned in the Avesta [1, 370 ]). More detail is described in the " Shahnameh " of ...
  • Tazhiyeva, Asel (2014-04-11)
    Today there are many debates concerning the implementation of multilingual education. Education in the conditions of multilingualism is the most effective development of the successful personality and therefore now it ...
  • Койшыбаева, Асем Тимуровна (2014-04-11)
    The process of globalization, the consequences of which are reflected in all spheres of modern life, creates many problems to be considered on international level. Among these issues is the crisis of multiculturalism policy.
  • Бугакова, Елена Александровна; Козуева, Айжан Джанышевна (2014-04-11)
    The theme of immigration to Europe continues to be relevant for more than one decade. The European Union and the governments of European countries invest hundreds of millions Euros to various projects aimed at the speedy ...
  • Ramazanov, Alikhan (2014-04-11)
    Knowing a foreign language is not an extraordinary phenomenon in present days. Moreover, the number of learners grows up increasingly year by year. It is not a supernormal thing, which could seem to be thirty or forty ...
  • Казтаева, Раушан Мажитовна (2014-04-11)
    Mass media is rather peculiar phenomenon of modern reality. It is not a part of our life as air, water or food, does not represent any material value. At the same time, mass media has the long history of development, the ...
  • Садвакасова, Дарина Ерболовна (2014-04-11)
    Nowadays the increasing number of immigrants and refugees from Eastern countries is one of the most urgent problems in Europe. The immigrants with their different culture and religion seem to be a threat to Europeans who ...
  • Қайырбекова, Айдын Бақытбекқызы (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    Nowadays, it seems as though not a day goes by without mentioning women‘s rights. Although every woman would likely to agree with many feminist points relating to the evils of domestic violence, injustice and unequal ...
  • Диханбаева, Азиза Ерболатовна (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н.Гумилева, 2014-04-11)
    В связи с изучением истории и культуры языка тюркского народа, изучение армяно- кыпчакских памятников является актуальным и востребованным аспектом, поскольку в нем содержатся богатые знания по истории, культуре языка ...
  • Диханбаева, Азиза Ерболатовна (2015-05-27)
    В связи с изучением истории и культуры языка тюркского народа, изучение армяно-кыпчакских памятников является актуальным и востребованным аспектом, поскольку в нем содержатся богатые знания по истории, культуре языка ...
  • Кудайбергенов, Ахмед Кажымуратулы (2015-05-27)
    Арабтар Испанияға басып кіргенде, олардың мҽдени деңгейі салыстырмалы түрде айтарлықтай төмен деңгейде еді; берберлер деңгейі олардан да төмен. Дегенмен, Сирия, Ирак, Мысырды жаулап алған кезінде арабтар өз иеліктеріне ...

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