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  • Bersimbaev, Rakhmet; Pulliero, Alessandra; Bulgakova, Olga; Kussainova, Assiya; Aripova, Akmara; Izzotti, Alberto (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
    Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. microRNA expression in human bronchial epithelium cells is altered by radon, with particular reference to upregulation of miR-16, miR-15, miR-23, miR-19, ...
  • Bersimbaev, Rakhmet; Pulliero, Alessandra; Bulgakova, Olga; Kussainova, Assiya; Aripova, Akmara; Izzotti, Alberto (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
    Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. microRNA expression in human bronchial epithelium cells is altered by radon, with particular reference to upregulation of miR-16, miR-15, miR-23, miR-19, ...
  • Bersimbaev, Rakhmet; Pulliero, Alessandra; Bulgakova, Olga; Kussainova, Assiya; Aripova, Akmara; Izzotti, Alberto (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020)
    Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. microRNA expression in human bronchial epithelium cells is altered by radon, with particular reference to upregulation of miR-16, miR-15, miR-23, miR-19, ...
  • TICAL, George; GRAJDEANU, Lucian (Acta Universitatis George Bacovia, 2020)
    This article aims to create awareness about the challenges related to the improved rail connection, both in terms of travel time and reliability, between China and Europe that Transport Police have to face in terms of ...
  • Zhumazhanova, Ainash; Mutali, Alisher; Ibrayeva, Anel; Skuratov, Vladimir; Dauletbekova, Alma; Korneeva, Ekaterina; Akilbekov, Abdirash; Zdorovets, Maxim (Crystals, 2021)
    A depth-resolved Raman spectroscopy technique was used to study the residual stress profiles in polycrystalline silicon nitride that was irradiated with Xe (167 MeV, 1 × 1011 cm−2 ÷ 4.87 × 1013 cm−2 ) and Bi (710 MeV, ...
  • Zhumazhanova, Ainash; Mutali, Alisher; Ibrayeva, Anel; Skuratov, Vladimir; Dauletbekova, Alma; Korneeva, Ekaterina; Akilbekov, Abdirash; Zdorovets, Maxim (Crystals, 2021)
    A depth-resolved Raman spectroscopy technique was used to study the residual stress profiles in polycrystalline silicon nitride that was irradiated with Xe (167 MeV, 1 × 1011 cm−2 ÷ 4.87 × 1013 cm−2 ) and Bi (710 MeV, ...
  • Tassybay, Bayansulu (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    The article analyzes the world experience of using the mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP) in tourism, identifies the problems of its development of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. A set of ...
  • Zaytsev, Valeriy; Fedorov, Fedor S.; Goikhman, Boris; Maslennikov, Alexander; Mashukov, Vasilii; Simonenko, Nikolay P.; Simonenko, Tatiana L.; Gabdullina, Dinara; Kovalenko, Olga; Simonenko, Elizaveta P.; Kvitko, Polina; Penkova, Olga; Satybaldina, Dina; Seilov, Shakhmaran; Dubinina, Tatiana S.; Gorin, Dmitry A.; Nasibulin, Albert G. (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023)
    Plastic recycling technologies are being actively developed and implemented to cope with increasing volume of plastic. Such technologies require new analytical tools able to control the quality of the recycled polymers ...
  • Zaytsev, Valeriy; Fedorov, Fedor S.; Goikhman, Boris; Maslennikov, Alexander; Mashukov, Vasilii; Simonenko, Nikolay P.; Simonenko, Tatiana L.; Gabdullina, Dinara; Kovalenko, Olga; Simonenko, Elizaveta P.; Kvitko, Polina; Penkova, Olga (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023-09-15)
    Plastic recycling technologies are being actively developed and implemented to cope with increasing volume of plastic. Such technologies require new analytical tools able to control the quality of the recycled polymers to ...
  • Shaizadinova, Aisha; Amanzholova, Meruyert; Kirillov, Saveliy; Bulashev, Aitbay; Abeldenov, Sailau (Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 2023-12)
    Mastitis is a prevalent disease affecting dairy cows, leading to significant economic losses in the dairy industry. Conventional diagnostic methods such as microbiology and PCR are expensive and time-consuming, emphasizing ...
  • Karabayev, Daniyar; Molkenov, Askhat; Yerulanuly, Kaiyrgali; Kabimoldayev, Ilyas; Daniyarov, Asset; Sharip, Aigul; Seisenova, Ainur; Zhumadilov, Zhaxybay; Kairov, Ulykbek (PeerJ, 2021)
    Background. High-throughput sequencing platforms generate a massive amount of high-dimensional genomic datasets that are available for analysis. Modern and userfriendly bioinformatics tools for analysis and interpretation ...
  • Джангелдин, Султан Манарбекович (Евразийский национальный университет имени Л.Н. Гумилева, 2020-04-10)
  • Aldaberdikyzy, А.; Аyazbayeva, А.М. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2020)
    This article is devoted to the problem of terminology and definition of the concept of reading literacy. The article provides thorough diachronic analysis of this term. Various aspects of reading literacy are analyzed, ...
  • Tenbay, Sabina (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2019)
  • Амангельдиева, К.Ж. (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2023)
    Данная статья посвящена изучению языковой личности в интернеткоммуникации. Формирование языковой личности в этом информационном поле характеризуется рядом особенностей. В статье представлена модель языковой личности Ю.Н ...
  • Қожанов, Азамат Қуатұлы (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2020-04-10)
  • Bakbolat, Baglan; Daulbayev, Chingis; Sultanov, Fail; Beissenov, Renat; Umirzakov, Arman; Mereke, Almaz; Bekbaev, Askhat; Chuprakov, Igor (Nanomaterials, 2020)
    The growth of industrialization, which is forced to use non-renewable energy sources, leads to an increase in environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary not only to reduce the use of fossil fuels to meet energy ...
  • Yeszhanov, Arman B.; Korolkov, Ilya V.; Dosmagambetova, Saule S.; Zdorovets, Maxim V.; Güven, Olgun (Polymers, 2021)
    Membrane distillation (MD) is a rapidly developing field of research and finds applications in desalination of water, purification from nonvolatile substances, and concentration of various solutions. This review presents ...
  • Karmakar, Soumyodipta; Myrzakulov, Kairat; Chattopadhyay, Surajit; Myrzakulov, Ratbay (Symmetry, 2020)
    The present study reports a reconstruction scheme for f(R) gravity with the scale factor a(t) ∝ (t∗ − t) 2 c 2 describing the pre-bounce ekpyrotic contraction, where t∗ is the big crunch time. The reconstructed f(R) ...
  • Uralbaeva, Sholpanay; Rakimzhanova, Sayana; Malikova, Assel; Abdimaulen, Gulmira (Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2023)
    Effective speech interaction is crucial in the field of education. The issue of pedagogical rhetoric is associated with the mastery of verbal pedagogical impact, as well as the effectiveness of communicative and ...

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